Come and see my creature that I found on another planet. It is dangerous but naughty. It is not afraid of anything. It is strong. It can hold a 1000kg iron ball. Its sharp teeth can bite an iron stick. When we measured its height, it was 10 meters tall. If it fought with a giant it would win, because it is strong and tall. It looks like a dinosaur, it even looks like a t-rex. I took it to the alien zoo because it is an alien not a monster. We welcome you to come. Our tickets are the cheapest. It costs only 1 cent. If you don't have 1 cent, you don't need to pay. We will welcome you. Our zoo is at Sentosa. Please come. You will see an amazing creature that you have never seen before, this creature is called Raiffle. We are open Mon - Sun, 7:00am - 6:30pm. We also have a monster show. If you want us to deliver the ticket you can call 6689 5632. We welcome you.